I made this site so I can announce my plans to fix my life. You can join if you want! But
don`t betray me. I am also luigi9013 at youtube and startug.
Hello! My name is John Public and welcome to my beach. I mean, My name is Startug and welcome to my site. I am posting
my plans on destruction here! Here, you can see the castle in ruins once I actually do it. Join my club soon by pming me at
youtube or emailing me @ tencentsone@yahoo.com Thank you.
My name is not really John Public. It is a joke from Summer Rental.
Also, please visit my youtube homepage: Startug. Search for startug, and go into my profile next to the video.
I am new to tripod so don`t yell at me or you get no cookies before bedtime! Just kidding! My Grandfather`s joke!